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All about Elizabeth Maloney, Manager at Chuck's Furniture

Elizabeth is part of the third generation of her family to work at Chuck's Furniture since her grandpa started the store in 1967. Meet Elizabeth and learn about her favorite styles and furniture advice. 

James Prutilpac at Chuck's Furniture

Five questions for Elizabeth

How long have you been at Chuck’s Furniture and in the furniture industry? Since 2001 full time, but technically since I was in diapers. 

How did you become passionate about furniture and interior design? The furniture industry is something I was born into, and even when I was little I liked decorating and picking out things for my own bedroom at home. When I bought my first house many years ago, I finally got to pick everything that I loved and design my own space. I think it's exciting to help guide people who may be going through the same thing, renting their first apartment or buying their first home, and helping them make it their own.

What do you like most about what you do at the store? I'm the kind of person who likes Excel spreadsheets and making sure things are organized, so being in charge of the inventory, orders, and receiving and being in front of a computer all day is really where I'm the most comfortable.

What advice would you give to customers looking to invest in high-quality, long-lasting furniture? Good quality furniture is timeless. My first living room suit in my first home was the living room suit my parents bought 20 years prior. The bedroom suite in my spare bedroom belonged to my grandma and was purchased in the 1970s. Investing in quality furniture enables you to enjoy it for a long time, and then pass it down to the next generation to enjoy for many years to come.

What’s one thing you wish all your customers knew about furniture? That it doesn't have to be stressful. When you're faced with a wall of 1000 fabrics to choose from, it may seem daunting, but generally, your eyes will fall on a particular color or pattern right away, and if you love it, go for it. It's your home, and you can decorate it however you want. Our salespeople will help you every step of the way to find coordinating colors, rugs, lamps, everything to complete the space.

Some of Elizabeth's favorite products at Chuck's Furniture

Black leather sofa

“I love this leather sofa because it's sleek and modern, and having a big dog family, I know the importance of having furniture that's durable and easy to clean. Plus it's huge and you can fit a lot of dogs on it!”

Tufted sofa

“I like this one for opposite reasons from the last one. I love the small footprint, light color, and tufted back. It would be perfect for a reading nook with fluffy pillows and a fuzzy blanket.”

Dining table and chairs

“I love the modern farmhouse feel of this dining set. With solid wood construction, it will last for generations, plus it's made by Gat Creek Furniture right here in West Virginia, which makes it a favorite company of mine.”

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